В шестия брой на англоезичното списание „NGO MAGAZINE“ беше публикувана статията на Иван Василев за Студентски клуб на политолога, чиято цел е да популяризира Клуба на международно ниво.
Students’ Club of Political Science
The Students’ Club of Political Science is a non-governmental organization in the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Its members are vigorous, active, and full of new ideas and plans and they hanker after developing their skills and talents in the Club. After all, it is imperative for young and ambitious people to take an active role in various activities and they can take advantage of the opportunities the Students’ Club of Political Science can provide them with.
Taking into consideration the fact that the Students’ Club of Political Science is a comparatively new organization and its members have succeeded in popularizing it so that many people in Bulgaria have heard of it, it is indicative of the hard work the Club did. Here young people can feel free to break fresh grounds and broaden their horizons due to the organized seminars, discussions and public debates which give us the opportunity to obtain useful knowledge which can be in aid of us in our future career growth. Furthermore, we arrange a lot of meetings with a wide circle of acquaintances – famous people in the field of Political Science. Thereby, students are able to apply their theoretical knowledge into a real world environment. Actually, it is something which most students in our subject long for, because they consider that it not only will assist them in gaining better understanding of Political science, but also they can keep abreast of the novelties in the world of Politics.
The Students’ Club of Political Science is a means of bringing pleasure and diversity in students’ lives. It teaches them teamwork, but also students have the splendid chance to sink in an adventure with other members and in this way they will make use of the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. Projects are extremely important for our club. We place too much value on coming up with ideas about projects which are connected with a tight collaboration between our club and other organizations in Bulgaria and foreign countries. In this way, we can travel abroad, exchange experience and establish new contacts. Furthermore, we create strong bonds with foreign universities for student exchanges and internships.
It is of significant importance for members of the Students’ Club of Political Science to contribute a great deal to the improvement of the quality of Bulgarian education and the development of Political Science. Our aims are geared towards enhancing the prestige of the Club and simultaneously we exert the utmost of ourselves to carry out our projects and initiatives.
Author: Ivan Vasilev, a former deputy president of Students’ Club of Political Science